Wentworth Portrait Photography 310 619 0775 twcjohnw@gmail.com

He shot TV commercials, most notably all but two that helped Spiro Agnew become governor of Maryland. (Kids: read up on your history to get the joke.)
He was drafted and served with A Company 2/5 First Cavalry Division in Vietnam (1968-69) as a rifleman. He was awarded the Combat Infantry Badge, a Bronze Star, and other medals and ribbons. He is active today with Warfighter Advance, an uncommonly effective, totally subsidized week long residential program that helps warfighters reintegrate and cope with PTS and other integration issues.
Six years in Human Resources and 40+ years as a headhunter.
John developed the first and only science-based integrated recruiting and selection system. For the last few years, 75% of The Wentworth Company's hires were more qualified than the clients had asked and hoped for, hired at an average cost of 12% of salary, in an average of 8 weeks.
Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, which is creating the biggest transportation breakthroughs since the airplane, has adopted the Wentworth System to select it's team members. Please feel free to call John at 310 619-0775 if you'd like to chat about the system or its applications.
If you would like pictures like those on this website, please call.
What do you think of the pictures? Have a project with which you'd like some image help?
I'm looking for new and visually or emotionally stimulating projects.
Free, pay, trade are all options.